Covid-19 has changed everything. From the way we work to the way we live, nothing is the same as before. This massive yet sudden shift in market dynamics has left most businesses struggling to stay afloat. 

 If you’re a small business owner and you’re feeling overwhelmed right now, please know that it’s perfectly normal to feel that way.  

You’ve got finances to manage, employees to motivate, new regulations to follow, and on top of all that — you’ve got customers to connect and engage.  

 But that’s enough for the bad news. The truth is, right now is the perfect time to invest in your business and your brand.  

 Wanna know why? Because sooner or later, things are bound to go back to normal. People will come out, sales will go up again, and business will be in full swing.  

 By working hard today to strengthen your brand, not only can you survive through this pandemic, but you can also position your brand to thrive when things go back to normal.  

 Without any further delay, here’s how to do just that:  


Don’t Cut Back on Marketing 

What’s the first thing businesses do every time we enter an economic depression? They cut back on marketing. And that’s a big mistake.  

 More people are home right now than ever. What do you think those people do all day? They spend their time on their phones and other digital devices. You most likely do the same yourself.  

 So the eyeballs are not only still there but in far greater numbers. Couple that with the fact that most brands are cutting back on marketing, you can see why it’s actually cheaper to market your business during the pandemic.  

Yes, it’s harder to sell some products and services right now. But sales are not the only thing a good marketing campaign aims for. Building awareness and keeping customers engaged through these tough times is a lot more valuable than sales alone.  

 That’s because when things go back to normal, every brand will start shouting at the top of their lungs for attention with their marketing. But who do you think consumers will listen to?  

The businesses that were nowhere to be heard during this pandemic? Or the brands who kept those consumers engaged and made them feel valued? Exactly! 

But here’s the thing though. During these tough times, emotions are running high and consumers are highly sensitive. All it takes is one misunderstood message to turn your entire marketing effort upside down.  

 That is why strategically planning every aspect of your brand is more important than ever… 


Build a Pandemic Proof Brand Strategy 

Whether you already have a brand strategy or never had one in the first place, you need to work on a pandemic proof brand strategy. 

The number one thing customers want from a brand is empathy and understanding. They want to know that you’re there for them. But perhaps even more importantly, they want to know you don’t have an agenda. That’s why the brand strategies of yesterday are most likely inappropriate today.  

Let me give you an example. Some companies were getting decent results by pushing hard for sale. But that has changed today as the last thing consumers want right now is a hard cold sales pitch.  

Don’t get me wrong. You can still get results by pushing for a sale in some markets. But it’s only possible if you can adapt your brand messaging to what’s appropriate for the specific situation of your specific target audience.  

 And that’s exactly what a pandemic proof brand strategy is all about.   

By creating a voice of hope, authenticity, and leadership, and keeping it consistent throughout every aspect of your brand — you can connect and engage your customers effectively.  

 If you’re not sure where to begin with a pandemic proof brand strategy, hop on a brand strategy call with me  and let’s build one for you!