How Content Creation Works

We’ve all dated at some point in our lives, right? That’s the only way we get to decide if the person is worth our time and if the possibility of loving them and being in a relationship even exist.

I don’t know about you but a person can get my attention if over time I observe consistent efforts. Consistency takes work and if you can put in the effort to woo me and let me know you’ll always have my back, then you’re on your way to winning.

Isn’t it the same for business but most importantly content creation? Content consistency is so pivotal right now as it sets you apart from your competitors. All your customers need is a business that understands them and one that will consistently show up for them.

Now, you may be wondering, what, where, and how often do I post?  Don’t worry; let’s dive in to garner some knowledge.


What Do I Post? 

Have you ever watched a movie trailer? It’s basically a sneak peek into the high points of a movie to let you know if spending approximately two hours of your time will be worth the entertainment.

In essence, you should be posting what I refer to as a “preview of your business.” Ask yourself:

·         Do my customers know who I am?

·         Do they understand my backstory, my drive, my reason?

·         Do they know the service(s) or product (s) that I offer?

·          Have I been marketing my services or products for a while and then someone pops up to ask what is it that I offer?

·         Am I clear in my presentation?

·          What do my customers really need? 

All these are relevant questions that will help you develop your content.  A common error is that most entrepreneurs dive into the “buy my product now” instead of the “Let me tell you why you need this product or service or it can do this or that for you.”

Look at it this way, a guy would be insane to go down on one knee and propose on the first day right! So it’s crucial to spend time being friends and getting to know the things that matter to each person.  It’s the same for your clients.  As a matter of fact, I call it “framing.”

Your clients need to connect with your story- your why. Once they’re able to match your why with their needs then you’ll in turn reap the results. 

Another thing, address their salient need first without introducing any other or service or product to them.  If they need anything additional, they will find it in your offerings by themselves.   This should never be overlooked in business.


Where Should I Post?

The answer is quite simple. Go to the platform where YOU show up most consistently.

Some marketers say that you show up where your customers are but if you have a hard time navigating and understanding a particular platform, chances are that you won’t use it frequently.

I’ve found out that in using the platform I was most comfortable with, once I showed up consistently, my customers were also there.  I realized that my clients just needed me to provide and be there for them and automatically they found me.

You want to be able to say to yourself “I’ve been consistent for six months straight but something isn’t working.” Then you can look into your messaging, maybe your delivery, and tweak things up a bit but you’ve got to learn to be consistent somewhere. Consistency trumps everything.

Facebook is certainly not one of my favorite places but I know I can be consistent because I understand the platform well.  I’ve been using it for over ten (10) years now.  In the beginning, I was consistent for thirty (30) straight days of content. I showed up every day and posted once or twice daily and the growth was phenomenal.  I went from seventeen (17) to twenty (20) views to five hundred (500) views and it plummeted thereafter.

Again, it’s not my favorite place but because I was consistent, my customers also showed up there as well.

So pick your platform and get at it. Don’t put your business stuff on your personal page, Facebook doesn’t like that so be consistent on your business page.


How Often Should I Post?

For me, Chase Hunter, It’s twice daily, morning and evening. However, you definitely need a strategy. You need to appear as a marketer but not “salesy or spammy.”  Sometimes, entrepreneurs are concerned about how often they post as they don’t want to be a bother to their followers.

However, isn’t the aim of your business to make a profit? Therefore you need to position yourself where you are making money.

Don’t be too concerned about the opinions of others and remember they also have the option to unfollow you. If they choose to, let them because you’re only making room for the real paying customers.

Additionally, if over time you aren’t seeing any activity or interaction from persons on your page, feel free to remove them without feeling guilty. If they aren’t the right people, then they aren’t the right customers.

You certainly want people that are interested in what you have to say and you need to solicit your core customers anyway.


Create a System

Everything needs a process, system, or strategy for success. You don’t want to post randomly or haphazardly because you can but I implore you to sit and put some thought into how you’ll implement a content strategy.

Remember, your engagement statistics will probably be low at first but that doesn’t matter. Keep posting and posting and eventually, it will pick up and people will see you.

 Your clients and prospective clients just want to be assured that you will always be here from them and that you are dependable.  Let’s not post only when you’re asking for money or appealing for them to buy something. Let’s start honing and engaging your audience with great, consistent content.


I  hope you learned something today and for more in-depth information, feel free to visit The Content Club.  Comment below on your Content Strategy and let’s continue the conversation.